Mark Zuckerberg Explains His Position On The Metaverse

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In an interview with The Verge, Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, said that the future of Facebook will involve a convergence of physical, augmented and virtual reality in a shared online space known as the Metaverse.

For Zuckerberg, the Metaverse is more like the successor to the mobile internet which will take the contribution of many companies, creators, and developers to build.

He explained that when thinking about the Metaverse, users can imagine an embodied internet in which they are able to feel the presence of others as if they were in other places, in comparison to now where users only view 2D content.

Zuckerberg said the Metaverse will bring huge opportunities to individual creators and artists.

While explaining that virtual reality will be a big part of the Metaverse, Zuckerberg revealed that it will not just be virtual reality, but also other computer platforms, mobile devices, and game consoles.

For more information, read the original story in The Verge.


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