Low-Code And No-Code Is Helpful To Professional Developers

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A recent survey by the development application platform Mendix shows that 64% of IT experts believe that low code is their go-to workaround development solution, while 59% of projects that use low code are a collaboration between business and IT groups.

Dr. Rod Fontecilla, SVP, Chief Innovation Officer and Chief Data Scientist at Dovel Technologies, notes that “Low-code almost presents a counter-culture to traditional programming. “Developers are in high demand and have built such a large community over the past few decades that such a cultural shift may be difficult to adapt.”

He further says that developers need to embrace platforms like these and “learn their scripting languages and complement their current skills.”

Fontecilla predicts that the growing popularity of low-code/no-code in development businesses will create hybrid environments that could become the norm in most environments.

Shiv Ramji, Chief Product Officer of Auth0, observes that application development has become a time-intensive process: “professional developers are now leaning on low-code/no-code solutions for applications that don’t require developers to write or own them themselves. By shortening the software development lifecycle, it speeds up time-to-market, improves flexibility, and allows developers to focus on core innovation. Low-code and no-code solutions also improve agility for developer teams as they are able to quickly create a sample for the business team to evaluate and provide feedback on – shortening the review cycles and improving the finished product.”

Nuno Pedro, Head of Commerce at SAP Customer Experience, believes that low-code/no-code platforms help developers “to improve their ability to tackle more complex development tasks by reducing the time needed to tackle simpler programming challenges,” says SAP’s Pedro. “There has been consistent feedback from developers that using low-code and no-code platforms forces them to rethink how they tackle different coding challenges and pushes a leaner and simplified way of thinking and coding that is ultimately beneficial from a productivity perspective for all coding work being done.”

There may have been some regression towards low-code/no-code by professional developers, but it is undeniable that it is now part of many toolkits.

For more information, read the original story in ZDNet.


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