EU Rules to Force USB-C Chargers for all Phones

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A new rule proposed by the European Commission will ensure that all smartphones sold in the EU are equipped with USB-C chargers.

The rule therefore forces manufacturers to create a universal charging solution for phones and small electronic devices. The proposed changes would apply to the charging port on the device body, although the end of the cable connected to a plug could be USB-C or USB-A.

The proposed rules will apply to devices such as smartphones, tablets, cameras, headphones, portable speakers and portable video game consoles. Devices such as earphones, smart-watches and fitness trackers will be exempted for technical reasons due to their size and state of use.

The move is geared towards reducing waste by encouraging consumers to re-use existing chargers when acquiring new devices.

The European Union hopes to finalize the proposed regulation by 2022, after which member states will have two years to transpose the rules into national law and manufacturers will have 24 months to change their charging ports.

For more information, read the original story in the BBC.


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