Facebook Files: 5 things Leaked Documents Revealed

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A whistleblower at Facebook has revealed many key insights through a series of leaked documents.

Among the major revelations is that Facebook treated celebrities, politicians, and prominent Facebook users differently, meaning that they had different rules on what content they may post under a system called XCheck (cross-check).

Other findings show that Facebook’s responses to workers concerns about human trafficking have always been ‘weak’, and this can be confirmed by the various instances in which Facebook has failed to take a strong position.

Leaked documents also show that the social media giant is facing a complex lawsuit from a group of its shareholders claiming that the $5 billion it paid the FTC to settle the Cambridge Analytica data scandal was so high because it was done to protect Mark Zuckerberg from personal liability.

There are also questions about the company’s position in spreading positive stories about itself through Project Amplify, as reported by the New York Times, and finally the leaked document revealed that Facebook knew that Instagram was “toxic” to teenagers.

For more information, read the original story from the BBC.


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