Study: Online Privacy Growing Concern To More People

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A recent survey by Cisco showed that consumer confidence in companies’ ability to protect users’ privacy is low.

In addition, the report identified four important benefits from the data that reinforce the position that consumers want more privacy on the Internet, including consumers demanding transparency and control over how companies handle their data. Respondents also expressed a positive opinion on data protection laws although only 43% said they were aware of certain data protection laws.

Another highlight shows that people do not seem content to share more of their privacy online in order to effectively combat the COVID 19 pandemic and finally, the fact that the misuse of consumer data has undermined confidence.

As a result of its recent survey results, Cisco has introduced the New Trust Standard which is intended to serve as a benchmark for access to businesses during the digital transformation and to determine how trustworthy they are. It is also used by companies that want to comply with a new privacy standard.

For more information, read the original story in Tech Republic.


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