Google revealed that it would automatically register 150 million of the company’s users in two-step verification while simultaneously forcing two million YouTube creators to switch on the two-step verification as the company aims to make 2SV readily available by the end of 2021.
AbdelKarim Mardini, Product Manager for Google Chrome, and Guemmy Kim, Director of Account Security and Security at Google, explained: “2SV has been core to Google’s own security practices and today we make it seamless for our users with a Google prompt, which requires a simple tap on your mobile device to prove it’s really you trying to sign in. And because we know the best way to keep our users safe is to turn on our security protections by default, we have started to automatically configure our users’ accounts into a more secure state.”
Aside from that, Google stated that it is constantly reviewing the security of 1 billion passwords, how it works to protect Google’s password manager and that a new feature the company is working on grants users access to all passwords in the password manager directly from the Google app menu.
For more information, read the original story in ZDNet.