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Why Gartner Analyst Thinks Multicloud is a “terrible idea”

Gartner analyst Lydia Leong criticizes the idea of multicloud, which state regulators are clamoring for, saying that while it can be a smart strategy, it is not practical for infrastructure resilience.

For them, “Multicloud fallover is complex and costly to the point of nearly almost always being impractical, and it is not an especially effective way to address cloud resilience risks.”

She went on to say that multicloud has been highlighted as a cure-all to mitigate dependence on cloud providers, as conversations about concentration risks only take place because “big scary improbable things catch people’s attention,” and such conversations only point to the fact that there is a lot of talk about the poor understanding of how clouds work.

Loeng clarified that “The huge cost and complexity of a multicloud implementation is effectively a negative distraction from what you should actually be doing that would improve your uptime and reduce your risks, which is making your applications resilient to the types of failure that are actually probable.”

For more information, read the original story in Tech Republic.

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