In a recent update, Microsoft announced that customers trying to connect to printers shared on Windows print servers may encounter several printing errors that prevent them from printing over the network.
The errors include 0x000006e4 (RPC_S_CANNOT_SUPPORT), 0x0000007c (ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL), and 0x00000709 (ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME).
Microsoft pointed out that customers experience the problem after installing the Windows 11 KB5006674 and Windows 10 KB5006670 updates. Although it affects many client and server Windows platforms, Redmond points out that the problem is specific to printer servers, which are more common in business environments.
To address the issue, Microsoft has provided a workaround for affected customers that strictly warns that the steps should only be taken on affected print servers that meet the following requirements: “print clients must have installed a Windows update released in or after January 2021 before the printer server has installed” the October 2021 updates.
For more information, read the original story in Bleeping Computer.