Canada’s intelligence agency CSE warns that ransomware attackers will step up their efforts to compromise the networks and servers of organizations.
According to the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, critical infrastructures will be affected by these attacks.
To back up its claims, the agency found that while 235 ransomware attacks were identified between January 1 and November 16 this year, more than half of the attacks were targeting critical infrastructure.
In its disclosures, CSE stated that “Ransom payments are likely reaching a market equilibrium, where cybercriminals are becoming better at tailoring their demands to what their victims are most likely to pay.” The agency also warned organizations that Russian and Chinese sponsors and attackers were behind most of the attacks.
“Russian intelligence services and law enforcement almost certainly maintain relationships with cybercriminals, either through association or recruitment, and allow them to operate with near impunity as long as they focus their attacks against targets located outside Russia,” the CSE noted.
For more information, read the original story in Reuters.