A global survey of semiconductor chip manufacturers and users shows that the shortage will continue, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.
The voluntary survey in the fall of 2021 of 150 companies in the supply chain confirmed: “there is a significant, persistent mismatch in supply and demand for chips, and respondents did not see the problem going away in the next six months.”
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo had spoken to “all of the CEOs in the supply chain – including Samsung, TSMC, SK – and all of the CEOs have pledged to me that they will be submitting robust and complete data flows to us.”
The U.S. has the power to compel foreign semiconductor firms that operate in the U.S. to respond to questions pertaining to the chip market.
A number of Asian chip manufacturers and governments had expressed concern about the data request. Raimondo also stressed her department’s right to invoke its legal authority to obtain answers.
In response to the survey, Taiwanese companies said they were working hard to manufacture chips and coordinate with “important international business partners” to expand the supply chain.
TSMC, Asia’s largest contract chipmaker, declined to comment.
The department said it had seen a number of unusually high prices for chips used by automakers and medical device manufacturers.
Raimondo also said the survey did not show any hoarding.
For more information, read the original story in Reuters.