The code that runs the website of the hugely popular puzzle game Wordle can be copied and saved to continue playing it for the next seven years.
The discovery comes amid concerns that the New York Times takeover of the game could mean it is no longer a free game.
The game’s creator, Josh Wardle, has sold his game to the New York Times for a seven-figure deal.
The Javascript-written code appears as plain text for those who can access it.
Several publications have even published detailed instructions on how to do it.
“Effectively you can keep a version of the game as it exists today with enough data to keep you going for a long time,” said Prof Alan Woodward, a computer scientist from the University of Surrey.
Copying the code may also have legal consequences for the user.
Nick Allan, legal director at Lewis Silkin Law Firm, said: “The particular expression of the software code underlying a game like Wordle will be protected as a literary copyright work under UK copyright law.”
It is also highly likely that the site will be completely revamped when the New York Times takes over.
For more information, read the original story in the BBC.