Samsung Electronics has halted deliveries to Russia. According to the company, this is “due to current geopolitical developments.”
However, Samsung Electronics said it was monitoring the situation to determine its next line of action.
Samsung will also donate $6 million, including $1 million in consumer electronics, to support humanitarian efforts “around the region” while also providing aid for refugees.
The donations will include voluntary contributions from employees.
Popular technology and financial brands such as Apple, PayPal, Google, Meta and others have ceased sales, distanced themselves, or ceased operations in Russia.
This is in support of the international sanctions that criticize Russia’s activities in Ukraine.
However, Chinese companies and the government have remained silent about their operations in Russia. Beijing refuses to criticize Russia for its invasion of Ukraine.
Russia has begun to strike back at organizations, technology platforms, and countries that have sanctioned it for its invasion of Ukraine.
For more information, read the original story in Reuters.