Samsung To Roll Out Software To Address “Throttling” Issue

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<p data-ar-index=”0″>In response to several complaints from users, Samsung has promised to introduce software to address the “throttling” complaints. The software will allow users to control the performance of their devices.</p>

<p data-ar-index=”1″>Several users have stated that Samsung is throttling thousands of apps on the Galaxy smartphone line from Galaxy S10 to S 22. When throttling, a device is operated at a lower speed to keep it cooler and reduce battery consumption.</p>

<p data-ar-index=”2″>According to users, around 10,000 apps packed-in “Game Optimizing Service” of the Galaxy S22 was being throttled. What is however surprising is the fact that only 3,200 of the 10,000 apps in this category are actually games.</p>

<p data-ar-index=”3″>While thousands of apps are being throttled, only benchmark apps are exempted from this action. This means benchmark ratings inaccurately indicate how much power the most-used apps have access to.</p>

<p data-ar-index=”4″>The question as to why Samsung categorizes normal apps in the throttled “Game Optimizing Service” remains to be answered.</p>

<p data-ar-index=”5″>There is speculation that this could be a deliberate effort to prevent the devices from overheating. Overheating could occur at some point if apps run at full speed for a long period of time.</p>

For more information, read the original story in Arstechnica.


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