Large online companies are expected to pay up to 0.1% of annual net income to cover a supervisory fee, as provided for in the new rules of the Digital Service Act (DSA).
The fee is expected to be proportional to the size of the service, which is reflected in the number of its subscribers in the EU. Major online platforms in this sense are those with 45 million or more monthly active users.
“The overall amount of the annual supervisory fees shall be based on the estimated costs the Commission incurs in relation to its supervisory tasks under this Regulation. The fee shall not exceed 0.1% of the global annual net income of the provider of very large online platforms (or very large search engine) in the preceding financial year,” the document states.
The DSA document states that non-profit providers of very large online platforms and very large online search engines will be excluded from the fee.
The paperwork on the Digital Service Act (DSA) rules is expected to be finalized between EU countries and lawmakers later this month.
Revenue from the supervision fee will contribute to the economic growth of the region and promote a greener and more digital economy.
For more information, read the original story in Reuters.