Almost 33% overall female representation is expected in large global tech firms on average in 2022.
“We predict that roughly one in four leadership roles at large global tech firms will be held by women in 2022, representing a rise of more than four percentage points since 2019,” the Deloitte research said.
The research estimates that women’s share in the overall global tech workforce has increased by 6.9% from 2019 to 2022. Women’s representation in technical roles has also increased by 11.7%.
The sectors with the highest women representation are the technology, media, and telecommunications industries.
This is a good improvement since tech organizations have expressed their desire to bridge the gender gap in the sector. However, more needs to be done and Deloitte has provided tech firms with suggestions.
This includes committing to a holistic, diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy; embracing goal-setting, transparency, and accountability. The last suggestion advises tech firms to establish creative programs to hire, retain and promote.
Mentorship programs and development opportunities can also be significant in retaining female tech workers and their advancement to leadership.
The Sources for this piece include an article in TechRepublic.