61% of Americans would give up their current roles for remote opportunities highlighting employees’ position to stick with the hybrid work model.
The study was conducted by Zapier.
32% of workers said they quit their job after being forced to be physically present in an office, while 64% of those in remote work said they had become more productive.
The report disproved the assumption that older workers were interested in returning to the office, with 87.5% of workers aged 45 and over saying they would give up their job for a completely remote opportunity.
Regarding age, 100% of respondents between 18 and 24 years of age plan to quit in order to take advantage of remote opportunities. 64% of respondents between 25 and 34 years of age plan to do the same. 65% of respondents between 35 and 44 years of age will quit for remote opportunity, while 50% of respondents over 54 years of age will follow the trend.
For many workers, working from home offers a lot of benefits. 60% of respondents said that it increases their savings, gives them the opportunity to take care of family life and improves their morale.
The sources for this piece include an article in TechRepublic.