Apple is expanding its ad business in the coming years, and the company could show ads in Apple Maps as early as 2023. According to Mark Gurman of Bloomberg, Apple Maps remains a major candidate for advertising and engineering work is “already underway to launch search ads in the Apple Maps app.”
Ads in Apple Maps may not be banner ads, but instead leans on the search result-based ads already displayed in the App Store. Users looking for companies, businesses, or items may be fed promoted ads based on keywords.
Back in July, Apple confirmed that more ads are on the way. The company conducted a test of ad slots in the App Store as a placement on App Store Today as well as in the “You Might Also Like” section.
The various strategies are part of Apple’s plans to boost ad revenue from $4 billion a year to double digits.
Apple’s move to place more ads to boost revenue may not go down well with users, as the company is widely known to crack down on companies that use customer data for targeted advertising.
The sources for this piece include an article in AppleInsider.