PostgreSQL becomes the most popular database engine 

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According to a new Stack Overflow study of 90,000 engineers, PostgreSQL has surpassed MySQL as the most popular database engine.

The discovered that 45.55% of respondents utilize PostgreSQL, whereas 41.09% use MySQL. With 30.9% of respondents using it, SQLite was the third most popular database engine. Microsoft’s SQL Server, a completely commercial database engine, with a utilization rate of 25.45 percent, down from 33 percent in 2020.

This is a considerable shift from the same study in 2022, when MySQL was reported to be the most prevalent database engine, with 55.6% of respondents using it. The popularity of PostgreSQL is largely owing to its various features and benefits, such as scalability, stability, and security.

Aside from PostgreSQL’s increase, the survey indicated that JavaScript is still the most popular programming language, followed by Python and TypeScript. AWS, Azure, and Google remained the top three cloud platforms, although Cloudflare, Vercel, and Netlify all made the list. Edge computing, which is an emerging trend in the cloud computing business, is represented by these three platforms.

The sources for this piece include an article in Devclass.


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