Group-IB claims to have discovered over 100,000 ChatGPT credentials in stealer logs exchanged on the dark web in the last year.
The breaches mostly included three well-known data thieves: Racoon, Vidar, and Redline. Racoon was responsible for the majority of the breaches, with 78,348 compromised accounts. Vidar came in second with 12,984 hacked accounts, while Redline came in third with 6,773. In addition, the number of stolen ChatGPT accounts increased from four in June 2022 to 26,902 in May 2023.
Racoon’s popularity among hackers, according to Dmitry Shestakov, Group-IB’s head of threat intelligence, is due to its simplicity and configurable capabilities, which make it an appealing tool for carrying out such assaults.
According to Group-IB’s analysis, the Asia Pacific area accounted for more than 40% of the stolen ChatGPT accounts recorded by. India had the most compromised accounts of any impacted country, at 12,632.
The sources for this piece include an article in TheRegister.