New malware, BundleBot targets Facebook users

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A new malware strain known as BundleBot is targeting Facebook users by exploiting .NET single-file deployment techniques. The malware is commonly distributed via Facebook Ads and compromised accounts, often disguised as regular program utilities, AI tools, or games.

Once installed, BundleBot can steal sensitive information from victims, including web browser data, screenshots, Discord tokens, and Facebook account details. The malware can also be used to control infected computers remotely.

According to a Check Point report, threat actors utilize bogus Google Bard websites to trick victims into downloading a fake RAR package with a.NET executable, which finally triggers the retrieval of a password-protected ZIP archive from Google Drive. A.NET file containing BundleBot and a command-and-control data serializer is included in the ZIP package. Another BundleBot variant that permits data exfiltration through HTTPS has been discovered.

“The delivering method via Facebook Ads and compromised accounts is something that has been abused by threat actors for a while, still combining it with one of the capabilities of the revealed malware (to steal a victim’s Facebook account information) could serve as a tricky self-feeding routine,” said Check Point.

The sources for this piece include an article in TheHackerNews.


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