Zuckerberg says Musk not serious about cage fight

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Mark Zuckerberg has claimed that Elon Musk is not serious about their proposed cage fight because Musk has been dragging his feet since the announcement.

Musk has made a number of excuses for why he hasn’t been able to commit to a date for the fight. He first said that he needed to have an MRI scan and possible surgery. Then, he said that he wanted to fight in the Colosseum in Rome, and later he said he would be in Palo Alto and wanted to fight Zuckerberg in his backyard.

Addressing the situation, Zuckerberg remarked on that “Elon isn’t serious.” Zuckerberg precisely said he’s not holding his breath for Elon. He also said that Musk “won’t confirm a date, then says he needs surgery, and now asks to do a practice round in my backyard instead.”

“If you still want to do a real MMA fight, then you should train on your own and let me know when you’re ready to compete. I don’t want to keep hyping something that will never happen, so you should either decide you’re going to do this and do it soon, or we should move on,” Zuckerberg told Musk.

In the meantime, Musk is planning to live stream his journey to Zuckerberg’s house on Twitter and he’s hoping that Zuckerberg will answer the door and the fight can finally happen.

The sources for this piece include an article in TheRegister.


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