TikTok opens first European data center

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TikTok has opened its first European data center in Dublin, Ireland. The move is part of the company’s efforts to address concerns about data privacy and security, particularly in light of its Chinese ownership.

TikTok says that European users’ data will be stored locally in the data center, and that it will not be transferred to China. It is also allowing a European security company to audit its data protection controls.

The opening of the data center comes after a number of governments and organizations have banned or restricted the use of TikTok on security grounds. In the U.K., for example, government ministers are banned from using the app on their work phones.

TikTok says that it is committed to protecting the privacy of its users, and that the opening of the data center is a step towards addressing the concerns that have been raised.

The sources for this piece include an article in BBC.


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