In a significant policy change, Telegram, the messaging app known for its strong privacy focus, will now provide user IP addresses and phone numbers in response to legal requests. This decision marks a major departure from the app’s previous stance on user data protection.
Pavel Durov, Telegram’s CEO, announced that the platform will begin complying with legal demands for user information. This shift comes as a surprise to many, as Telegram has long been celebrated for its resistance to government requests and takedown orders.
Alongside this change, Telegram is ramping up its content moderation efforts. The company is now employing AI and a human moderation team to remove what it deems “problematic” content from search results. Durov has also called on users to report unsafe and illegal content for removal.
However, the impact of these changes on Telegram’s popularity among users engaged in illicit activities remains uncertain. The app still offers several anonymizing features, including disappearing messages and end-to-end encryption. Telegram’s FAQ continues to boast that they have never disclosed user messages to third parties, including governments.
This policy shift comes in the wake of Durov’s arrest in France last month for alleged crimes committed on Telegram, charges which he denies.
As messaging apps grapple with the balance between user privacy and legal compliance, Telegram’s decision could signal a broader trend in the industry. Tech professionals and privacy advocates will be watching closely to see how this policy is implemented and its effects on user trust and platform security.