Bitcoin, Ethereum See Strong Inflows In Latest Week

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According to Coinshares data, Bitcoin and Ethereum recorded strong investor inflows, bringing investment in the sector to $489 million.

The report states that bitcoin received the largest share of capital inflows, with $441.7 million last week and $4.2 billion so far in 2021.

Ethereum reported inflows of $30.2 million last week, reaching an all-time high of $13.9 billion in 2021, with total inflows of $5.45 billion for 2021.

Petr Kozyakov, co-founder and CEO of global payments network Mercuryo, explained the increased investor inflow: “The biggest reason for the surge (in ethereum) appears to be the growing number of developers building DeFi applications on the platform, but also the growing institutional interest.”

For more information, read the original story in Reuters.


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