IT Spending Estimated To Reach $4.5 Trillion in 2022

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Gartner has released a new forecast predicting that the amount of money spent on IT will reach $4.5 trillion in 2022.

Should this happen, the forecast, based on an analysis of sales figures from vendors across the IT industry, would represent an increase of 5.5% compared to 2021.

The report, which is broken down between data center systems, business software, devices, IT services and communications services, saw Gartner project almost $1.5 trillion on communications services, $1.3 trillion on IT services, $820 billion on devices, $700 billion on enterprise software and $207 billion on data center systems.

Gartner also predicts that spending on IT services will increase by more than $200 billion in 2022 compared to 2020.

According to Gartner’s forecast, enterprise software saw the largest increase in spending in 2022 compared to 2021.

Gartner said the 11.5% growth forecast for 2022 is largely driven by “infrastructure software spending continuing to outpace application software spending.”

For more information, read the original story in ZDNet.


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