Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “Victory Day” speech was overshadowed by a pro-Ukrainian hacking group that defaced the online Russian TV schedule page to display anti-war messages. Attackers also paralyzed the video-streaming site RuTube.
The name of each programme was changed to “On your hands is the blood of thousands of Ukrainians and their hundreds of murdered children. TV and authorities are lying. No to war.”
Search engines that index TV schedules like Google or even Yandex captured these anti-war messages and passively spread them on the net.
Russian video streaming platform RuTube also announced that the platform was the victim of a cyberattack that took the site offline.
Visitors to the platform will receive a message that the “site is undergoing technical work” due to an attack when accessing the site. RuTube explained, however, that all user content and data were not touched by the attackers.
The sources for this piece include an article in BleepingComputer.