New anode material charges electric vehicles in 6 minutes

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Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular, but one of the biggest challenges to their widespread adoption is the long charging time. It can take hours to fully charge an electric vehicle, even with fast-charging stations.

A new anode material developed by researchers at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) in South Korea could revolutionize electric vehicle charging. The new material, manganese ferrites (Mn3-xFexO4) nanosheets, can charge an electric vehicle in as little as six minutes.

The researchers synthesized the new anode material using a novel self-hybridization method. This method produces nanosheets of manganese ferrites with a greatly expanded surface area. This increased surface area allows for more lithium ions to be stored, which results in a much faster charging speed.

Experimental results showed that a battery with the new anode material could be charged and discharged in just six minutes, while a battery with a conventional anode material took over 10 hours to charge.

The researchers believe that their new anode material could lead to a new generation of electric vehicles with significantly shorter charging times. This could make electric vehicles more practical and appealing to a wider range of consumers.

The sources for this piece include an article in ScitechDaily.


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