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New Hampshire’s presidential primary got hit with deep-fake dirty tricks this weekend. Voters received a robocall in Joe Biden’s voice, urging Democrats not to vote on Tuesday. It said to save your vote for November instead.

The call purported to be from prominent Democrat Kathy Sullivan. Sullivan is running a super PAC to organize a Biden write-in campaign, since he’s not on the official ballot due to DNC rules.

Sullivan and state officials blasted the deception and apparent attempt at voter suppression. The state Attorney General is now investigating potential violations of law.

The use of an artificially generated audio impersonating Biden raises alarms about “deep fake” techniques spreading to campaigns. Sullivan wants the source prosecuted fully.

Biden’s team is exploring further actions in response. Senator Maggie Hassan hopes it instead drives higher turnout to back Biden. No matter what the impact, this most likely only the begining of dirty tricks and ethical issues as AI capabilities advance.

Sources include: NBC news


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