Gen Z more likely to fall victim to online scams than boomers.

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A fascinating generational divide has emerged in the world of online scams, as detailed by a recent study. While 23% of Gen Z respondents reported falling victim to online shopping scams, only 9% of Boomers said the same. In contrast, 18% of Boomers have been duped by email phishing, compared to just 9% of Gen Z.

Despite their tech-savviness, Gen Z is more susceptible to social media and online shopping frauds. Boomers, on the other hand, are more likely to be tricked by traditional email phishing and tech support scams.

This study sheds light on the tailored approaches scammers use for different age groups. It underscores the need for broadening our digital literacy and awareness to include understanding and identifying various types of scams.

It’s crucial for everyone, regardless of age, to stay informed about the latest scam tactics and to remain vigilant in digital spaces. Continuous education and caution are the keys to combating these evolving digital threats.

Sources include: Vox


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