60% of Users Have Issues IT Can’t Fix

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Almost 60% of users believe they have technical issues IT can’t fix. This highlights a major problem that entails the inability of technology to meet employees’ expectations.

Despite 67% of people commending IT for doing a fantastic job, the fact that employees have technical problems IT can’t solve comes with consequences for organizations.

Some of the consequences include impacting employees’ ability to do their jobs,

To solve this problem, organizations need to focus on user experience. The fact that the IT department is largely underfunded has prevented organizations from looking into the user experience.

To guarantee user experience, organizations need to create a shift in how technology experience is being conceived.

Organizations can solve the problem by developing a better understanding of employees’ in-environment experiences and getting more proactive in resolving long-running employee-experience-impacting problems.

For more information, read the original story in ZDNet.


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