Telegram To Restrict Some Channels If Ukraine War Escalates

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Telegram founder Pavel Durov said on Sunday that the platform could potentially restrict some channels if the ongoing crisis between Russia and Ukraine escalates.

According to Durov, the restriction could be temporary or permanent. He explained that Telegram channels are now being used to spread misinformation on the platform. In his view, the need to prevent them from being used as a tool for deepening conflicts is the reason why the measures are being taken.

“In the event the situation escalates, we will consider the possibility of partially or completely restricting the operation of Telegram channels in the countries involved for the duration of the conflict.”

Durov urged users to be careful what they read on the app because the platform cannot verify everything that is published on the platform’s channel.

The Telegram chief’s planned move will consolidate various measures taken by tech companies.

Google on its path has prevented Russian media companies from making money from ads. Meta, Facebook’s parent company, has also restricted some Russian state media companies operating in Russia.

For more information, read the original story in Reuters.


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