
Russian Hackers Trying To Brute-force Important Networks

Authorities warn that Russian military intelligence unit 26165, widely known as Fancy Bear used brutal hacking to target almost every area of interest online.

Swedish Supermarkets Closed Due To U.S. Ransomware Attack

About 500 of the 800 Coop supermarkets in Sweden were forced to close after the ongoing ransomware attack, which affected about 200 businesses in the U.S.

Ransomware Attack Hits Over 100 U.S. Companies

Huntress Labs said recent major ransomware attack was caused by REvil.

Ransomware Attacks Moves Reinsurance Rates Up 40%

To reduce the risk that companies face when paying ransom to companies after cyberattacks, insurance companies are now pushing for a premium increase.

Kaseya Was Fixing Zero-Day When REvil Ransomware Attacked

The zero-day vulnerability that was used to crack the Kaseya VSA servers on site was being fixed, just as the REvil ransomware gang used it for a massive attack on Friday,

REvil Attacked 1,000+ Companies In Supply-Chain Attack

A massive ransomware attack by REvil has affected several managed service providers and over a thousand of their customers through a reported Kaseya supply chain attack.

Ransomware Attack Forces Swedish Grocery Store Closures

One of the worst ransomware attacks in history spread worldwide on Saturday, forcing Swedish grocery chain Coop to close all 800 stores.

White House Offers Help To Ransomware Victims

The White House said it will offer help to victims of a widespread ransomware epidemic that has affected hundreds of businesses.
