
EA and Police Data Stolen By Private Hackers

Data from Electronic Arts and the Presque Isle Police Department in Maine were reportedly stolen by hackers who broke into their networks.

8.4 Billion Passwords Leaked Online From Old Data Breaches

According to CyberNews, a 100GB text file containing passwords was leaked by a user on a popular hacker forum.

Leaked Data From CD Projekt Breach Now Circulating Online

Polish video game maker reveals that its source code and company data is being distributed on the internet.

One Fastly Customer Triggered The Internet Blackout

Fastly reveals that the internet blackout was triggered by one customer who discovered a software bug.

Thousands Of Fake Online Pharmacies Shut In Global Crackdown

In a global crackdown, more than 100,000 online marketplaces selling illegal drugs were removed.

JBS Says It Paid $11 Million Ransom Following Attack

Following JBS ransomware attack U.S. CEO said that the company had paid a ransom equivalent to $11 million.

Intel Resolves 73 Vulnerabilities in June Platform Update

Intel fixes 73 security vulnerabilities as part of the June 2021 Patch Tuesday.

Several Websites Return Online Following Fastly Glitch

High-traffic sites came back online after being affected by an outage linked to Fastly.
