Legislation & Regulation

U.S. Charges Hacker For Fraud On Financial Institutions

The U.S. Department of Justice has charged Idris Dayo Mustapha for a range of cybercrime activities between 2011 and 2018 which saw the culprit...

Biden Partners ISPs To Reduce Internet Bills For Low-income Americans

President Joe Biden on Monday confirmed a pact with 20 Internet providers to provide higher Internet speeds to low-income American families at reduced prices. The...

EU New Law Will Ensure That Tech Platforms Explain Their Algorithm

The EU has agreed on the general terms of the Digital Services Act (DSA). The rule will force technology companies to take more responsibility...

Shareholders Will Vote To Investigate Amazon’s Treatment Of Employees

Amazon shareholders will vote to launch an investigation into the company's treatment of its employees. The investors submitted a separate shareholder resolution, which provides for...

FBI Repel Attacks From Russian Military Hackers

The FBI has fended off an attack by Russian military hackers trying to control thousands of routers and firewall devices. The agency was able to...

U.S. Charges Four Russians Over Cyberattacks On Energy Sector

The U.S. has charged four Russians over their attacks on the energy sector between 2012 and 2018.
