
Broadcom discontinues free version of VMWare ESXi hypervisor

Broadcom's recent decision to discontinue the free version of VMware's ESXi hypervisor marks a significant shift in the company's strategy towards VMware products post-acquisition....

Apple’s malicious compliance with EU regulation angers developers

Apple's recent adjustments to comply with the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) have stirred controversy, offering a classic case of "malicious compliance." Ostensibly...

Mozilla CEO resigns as Firefox’s market share shows stark decline

Mozilla Corporation's recent leadership change, with CEO Mitchell Baker stepping down, symbolizes a strategic shift towards emphasizing data privacy over its traditional flagship, the...

Microsoft reignites aggressive push to convert users to Windows 11

In a move reminiscent of past tactics, Microsoft has reignited its push for Windows 10 users to upgrade to Windows 11 with a series...

Microsoft Windows’ “bug” switches browser from Chrome to Edge

If you've noticed a change in your browsing experience on Windows 10 or 11, you might have unknowingly switched from Chrome to Microsoft's Edge....

90% of spreadsheets have at least one major error: Study

A recent study has brought to light a startling statistic: 90% of spreadsheets containing more than 150 rows have at least one significant error....

Broadcom’s VMWare changes make tech leaders look for possible escape route

Broadcom's significant overhaul of VMware is generating buzz within the tech industry, especially among Chief Information Officers (CIOs), who are closely observing the potential...

Lock down TeamViewer or pay a price

Huntress recently found two examples of a threat actor exploiting TeamViewer to install
