Top Stories This Week

SpaceX’s Starlink is used by Russian military against Ukraine

SpaceX's Starlink satellite technology, initially hailed as a lifeline for Ukraine amidst conflict, has found an unexpected user: Russian forces within Ukraine. This revelation...

Mob vandalizes and burns self-driving car in San Francisco

In a startling incident in San Francisco's Chinatown, a mob vandalized and set ablaze a Waymo self-driving Jaguar I-Pace, marking a significant escalation in...

Electric toothbrush DDoS story false: Was a “mis-translation.”

The recent viral story about hackers launching a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack on 3 million internet-connected toothbrushes serves as a compelling lesson in cybersecurity...

Canadian government bans Flipper Zero device aiming to prevent car thefts

In an assertive response to the rampant rise in automotive thefts, the Canadian government has announced an impending prohibition on the import, sale, and...

Ransomware attacks explode in terms of ransoms paid despite fewer companies paying ransom

Ransomware attacks reached a new pinnacle in 2023, with gangs amassing a record-breaking $1.1 billion in payments, as reported by Chainalysis, a firm specializing...

AI Agents are coming and will have an enormous impact

OpenAI is reportedly advancing the frontier of automation with the development of AI agents poised to perform an array of complex tasks, potentially altering...

Report that 3 million electric toothbrushes used in DDoS not true

A report claiming that 3 million electric toothbrushes were used in a DDoS attack was debunked as a hypothetical scenario, not a real incident. This...

FCC bans AI generated robocalls

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has banned AI-generated voice robocalls to protect voters from deception and scams. This measure enforces the Telephone Consumer Protection...
